
Living, activities, and news in Riverside, California

Posts Tagged ‘library

Author to Discuss Wineville Murders

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This Sunday at 1;30, at the Riverside Main library, author Jeff Paul will be discussing the notorious “chicken coop murders” that occurred in the Mira Loma area 80 years ago. The movie “The Changeling” is related to this part of local history.

Written by riversideliving

October 23, 2008 at 1:14 pm

Priceless Day

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DSC_0002, originally uploaded by sugarsharrk.

Today was the perfect, low cost day:

Renewal of library cards: $1
5 books: $0
Cute library bag from Target: $2.50
Notebooks for recording our read/desired reading materials: $1.49
Fun day at the library: PRICELESS

Written by riversideliving

July 26, 2008 at 5:14 pm

31st Annual Writers Week 2/5 – 2/9

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The 31st Annual Writer’s Week Conference commences this week with a variety of activities for your writing pleasure:

  • Feb 5th: Ed Ochester, Paisley Rekdal and Richard Shelton will read their poetry at UCR** earlier in the day and then host a free panel at the main library tomorrow on American Poetry Now.
  • Feb 6th: History, Biography and Memoir: Amazing True Stories – UCR**
  • Feb 7th: Diaspora: Coming to California – UCR**
  • Feb 8th: California Noir: Mystery in the Palms and Jacaranda – UCR**. Also, the keynote speaker for the event is Joyce Carol Oates.
**Except when noted, all events will be held in the Humanities & Social Sciences Building (HMNSS) Room 1500.

There’s not much at all on UCR’s Writers Week 2008 website unfortunately, but they have a great pdf flyer with all of the Writers Week activities, which is where I got all of this info. If anyone goes to this, send me some pictures to post.

I love writing. I’ve been writing all kinds of stuff (about 3 “first” novels that will never see the light of day, including a 900 page World War II saga, poetry, magazine articles, technical blogs, grant proposals, advanced planning documents, technical documentation) since I was a kid. My mom and dad gave me this ancient manual typewriter that I used to type carbon copy manuscripts and submit to the paper and all kind of journals. In high school and after, I moved up to the good ol’ IBM Selectric, then one of those word processors that you could edit a line or two before it printed. Eventually I got an IBM XT, then a Packard Bell PC and my writing has gotten immensely easier and scarcer. Except for work. I’m writing ALL the time there, all of it succinct and purposeful, and none of it fun and satisfying. Hence this little read but pleasing to me blog. Okay enough about me. Hope all of you writers participating in Writers Week this year have a great time and learn things to perfect your craft.

Written by riversideliving

February 4, 2008 at 11:17 am

Posted in Arts, Personal, Riverside

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