
Living, activities, and news in Riverside, California

Posts Tagged ‘books

Priceless Day

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DSC_0002, originally uploaded by sugarsharrk.

Today was the perfect, low cost day:

Renewal of library cards: $1
5 books: $0
Cute library bag from Target: $2.50
Notebooks for recording our read/desired reading materials: $1.49
Fun day at the library: PRICELESS

Written by riversideliving

July 26, 2008 at 5:14 pm

Countdown to Valentine’s Day: 7 more days

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Every day I’m going to put an idea for Valentine’s Day for all you romantic fools. Today’s idea: vehicle based sex. There are so many possibilities and the cost is very little, if any. A smart suggestion, at about $15.00, is the book “Carma Sutra: the auto-erotic handbook”.


* Disclaimers: No lame hook-ups; avoid any areas that are regularly surveilled i.e. casino parking lots (I personally know of a few incidents of this nature – not cool!); use protection – seat covers AND condoms.

Happy Valentine’s Day all you romantic f**kers!

Written by riversideliving

February 7, 2008 at 10:37 pm