
Living, activities, and news in Riverside, California

Posts Tagged ‘pe.com

Pray for the Lamberths

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Pe.com ran an article yesterday on a Riverside family, the Lamberths, who have been sharing their story through their blog.  Mark Lamberth has been in a coma since December 12th, after being injured in a dirt biking accident.  His wife Angie has been by his side.  Close friends have updated the blog since the accident with progress and news.

Not surprising is the article’s mention of Twitter and how Pastor Carlos Whittaker shared the blog and message to his 3,000 Twitter followers.

Sending prayers and love to the family!

Written by riversideliving

December 30, 2008 at 11:31 am

Random Observations and News: 7.16.08

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Ever since I was a kid, I loved reading Tom Hennessy’s Long Beach Press Telegram column.  It was always full of cool news tidbits and commentary on local stuff.  I have visions of doing the same, here on this bog.  Kind of that local, in-the-know, chit chat you might read over coffee and clip out (print/bookmark/del.icio.us) for ol’ Marge down the street.

I find my commentary full of lewd remarks, inane tales, heavily linked “articles” pointing to real articles, and gratuitous pictures of myself.  But yet I have so much damn stuff to say, I couldn’t begin to spell it all out.  I’m going to try from now on.  This is the part where I throw my beret into the air, hope brimming in my big brown eyes.  More personal thoughts on the news I glean from my regular sources.  More impact and application to our lives for us locals.

Okay blah blah.  The proof is in the pudding.  Mmm pudding.


Hot Mess in Murrieta.  Andy Dick, drunk as f*** as usual, was arrested Wednesday morning near Bufalo Wild Wings with bud and Xanaxs in his pocket and badness in his heart.  Besides pulling down the top of a poor 17 year old woman, what in heckfire was he doing in Murrieta?  God only knows.

A man riding his bike Monday evening was struck and killed by a Metrolink train near Magnolia and Merrill.  I wonder what I was doing at that moment, maybe even sitting at Merrill and Riverside, cursing that same train.  Or sitting in my living room, hearing it go by.  So many trains pass by my house and the streets near my house,  that I just tune them out or turn around and take a different route.  RIP Mr. Scott.

Okay, this robbery really is a terrible thing on so many levels.  A man was walking with a bag of money in Fontana this morning, when some ass in a brown tank top and cargo shorts robbed it right out of his hands and escaped in a black four door with paper plates.  The terrible things: strolling through Fontana with a bag of loot (I feel like I should assume it was a bag with a $ on it), the robber was wearing a brown tank top (well, it was hot but..), a newer model four door ride with paper plates (the paper plates seems so funny, like picnic plates).  I’m tired and loopy.  Need sleep.

Thank you for the coolest, most intelligent comments lately.  Most of the time people are thinking I’m full of crap and are calling me out but I love it anyway.  Keep them coming.  I get so excited when I get a comment!!

Written by riversideliving

July 16, 2008 at 10:26 pm

Hands Free Law? PE’s Got The Answer

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What’s really up with the “hands free law”?  Do you put your phone down suspiciously when you see a cop behind you?  Pe.com has the answer for you.  Yes, the law goes into effect this July and yes, it applies to you unless you’re an emergency personnel, tow truck driver, or if you’re making a 911 call.

Written by riversideliving

February 25, 2008 at 10:32 am

Stuff To Do This Weekend: 2.15 – 2.18 (Special Extended Holiday Version)

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Personally, I will be home, hopped up on pain killers and recuperating. All I can wish for is a lot of horror flicks, maybe a little Jagermeister Wild Vines Strawberry White Zinfandel (thanks Foxy) and Tim said he might come by *crossing fingers*. For the rest of you, the following activities might be a hoot:

Friday, 2.15:

  • While I’m thinking of 215, why not go to Club 215 in Colton? Just a thought.
  • The Emperor’s New Clothes by the Riverside Community Players is playing all weekend. Take the fam, it’s only $8/ticket, with a show tonight, a couple tomorrow and one Sunday. Whimsical.
  • John Hesketh: Los Angeles Photography at the UCR/California Museum of Photography. Runs through the end of March. Free for students, $3 for everyone else. While you’re there for that show, check out the ton of other exhibits that are too many to name here. You know if my foot wasn’t gimpy I’d be there. Take pix and send me your Flickr.
  • The Dalton Gang is playing Alice, probably some or all of these songs. However, the Lake Alice MySpace only lists Double Take playing tonight. Ahh upon further reading, The Dalton Gang has the flu. God bless ’em – hope their health bar is back up to full in no time at all. Ok, so make that Double Take is playing Alice tonight at 8:45. $6.00 cover charge.
  • Stereo Flux is playing Killarney’s at 9:00 pm. The shot “Sex with a Hooter Girl” comes highly recommended, by my red headed cohort, Foxy. She also recommends the burgers and fish n’chips.
  • Farmer Boys Cruise Night – on Iowa Ave. Mmmm Farmer Boys.

Saturday, 2.16:

  • Paper Dolls, an exhibit is now showing at Division 9 Gallery on University in Riverside until March 3rd. Admission is free.
  • Raggamuffins Festival is THIS weekend, Saturday and Sunday in Long Beach.
  • The Galaxy Flyers are playing at Alice. Nothing about the flu, but it’s still early. No, I wish them health and wealth. $6.00 cover.
  • No Limit OC is playing 80’s and 90’s covers at Killarney’s at 9:00 pm.

Sunday, 2.17:

  • Killarney’s has Sin Sunday, which boasts $3.50 Cals, $3 domestics, $4 premiums, $5 Long Islands and $5 Car and Jager Bombs from 9pm to close. This would be a great time to celebrate Sin Sunday, with Monday being a government holiday for bureaucrats like me.

Monday, 2.18:

  • Recover from Sin Sunday with a chorizo burrito from Papi’s.
  • Karaoke at Alice. No cover.

If I have missed anything, which I have, give me the goods baby, and give ’em to me double time. I’ll have it on here so fast, it’ll make your head spin.

**Note to Pe.com – Why does the “Things To Do” area of your site, specifically Performing Arts and Nightlife have out of date info? If you need some help keeping that up, lemme know 🙂 I saw “Fiddler on the Roof” and some other fun stuff going on at the Riverside Muni Auditorium and noticed the dates were from September. Shame Shame**