
Living, activities, and news in Riverside, California

Posts Tagged ‘McCain

Welcome Mr. Democratic Candidate

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It looks like we have our Democratic candidate – Mr. Barack Obama.   Are we going to see an Obama/Clinton ticket?  I don’t completely agree with either Obama or Clinton (or even McCain) but there’s a certain excitement about historic milestones we are seeing now and could be seeing down the road with either of them as our President and Vice President.  The idea of change, real change, is exciting.  “Thirst for change trumped Clinton’s experience”, reads one headline about Obama as the Democratic candidate.  Will thirst for change trump McCain?

Here are a couple of videos on the subject:

  Or maybe you’ve been rickrolled.

Written by riversideliving

June 4, 2008 at 2:26 am

Riverside News: Mostly Bad :(

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The wrong-way accident on the 91 keeps getting worse, as if it could be any more terrible. One of the people killed was 5 months pregnant. God, be careful when you drive. We take so much for granted. I drive the 91 every day to work and home, between downtown and the mall, and so many things could happen in that stretch of highway. In fact, my friend CC just got hit by a drunk driver last weekend, I think near the Tyler exit. Hope you’re feeling better, Carol!

Riverside Unified is cutting 319 full time positions next school year and just rejected a deal that would have given teachers a 6 percent raise. This is due to the state funding cuts that seem to be affecting a lot of people, including where I work. The Fontana Unified School District, and probably a lot more, are expecting the same cuts.

McCain is rolling into the I.E. (actually its the desert but still Riverside County) next month for a fundraiser. It’s only $2,300 to get into the reception, but if you raise $25K or $50K you get the star treatment and take pictures with the Senator. Last year, McCain was at our own Cafe Sevilla, with tickets a mere $500. When’s Obama or Clinton coming to town? There’s a Downtown Riverside for Obama group so maybe he’ll pay a visit. Someone’s got to visit the Mission Inn.

Some ass stole 119 ballots at a Thermal polling place, which was just confirmed today. I wonder who they were for and if they would have made any kind of big difference. Their population is 25,917, of which 4,000 live in Duroville, a “legally dubious trailer park”. What’s a legally dubious trailer park? It sounds awful.

And last but not least, of the bad news for today, the damn ongoing meatpacking scandal. Banning Unified has joined everyone else and disposed their Westland Hallmark meat. Bleh.

Were you exposed to this bad beef? I’m almost scared to look at the list of Inland area places it was sent to. In fact, I’m going to ignore it and the Greater LA list and wish for the best. Congressional hearings began today on the scandal and a loophole that allows hurt or sick cows to be used for food. Absent? The president of the Hallmark meat packing plant in Chino. Boo!

Okay, I just had to look at the list for a second. Awww g’damn it, not Brandon’s and Zorbas!

Happy Valentine’s Day

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I got up VERY late today and expected to see sunshine, cupids and couples strolling down Olivewood, hand-in-hand and just FEEL the love in the air. Not happening.

The Deaf School was locked down for a couple of hours; the Pentagon is about to shoot down a spy satellite (it’s ours and its broken); another college shooting; worries about a Valentine’s e-card virus, containing the Storm Worm, which no one has seen yet; and it’s 43 degrees with a chance of up to 40 mph winds. Brrrr.

Romney is now endorsing McCain (with Huck still running and defending a paid speech in the Caymans) and did you know that my neighbors in the 92506 zip code have contributed 71,725.00 in campaign contributions, with the majority (30.7 %) to Giuliani?

Breakdown by candidate »
30.7% Giuliani
21.9% McCain
23.7% Romney
3.5% Clinton
3.2% Edwards
8.7% Obama
0% Others
Total contributions from the 92506 ZIP code:

Taken from the LA Times, check out your zip code too.

Okay, where’s all the sappy, cheery news? Has anyone done anything Valentinesy or something sweet? J went to Chipotle for me, and has practically waited hand and foot on me so I don’t have to walk anywhere. We’ll see what other acts of love Cupid sends to Riverside.

Written by riversideliving

February 14, 2008 at 3:55 pm