
Living, activities, and news in Riverside, California

Posts Tagged ‘bar

Got 99 Problems and Taxes Are One – Except at Killarney’s

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Paying a bill in taxes? Don’t trip. Killarney’s is hooking you up on Tax Day (April 15 for all of you non tax paying, non jobbed up fools). Killarn’s will pay your taxes on whatever you order. Take them up on their offer. You know you need the cash. There’s no shame.

Written by riversideliving

April 12, 2008 at 9:31 pm

Ville Bar Reopens & Waves Good Bye to Girls Gone Wild

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After being closed by the ABC earlier this month, the Ville in University Village is now able to reopen. It appears to have been closed for a variety of reasons, but what may have drawn the most attention for ABC, local police, UCR students, guys and local wild girls is that the “Girls Gone Wild” tour bus was ready to roll through. Aww. You can always see them at upcoming events in RI, OH, NY, and GA (join their MySpace for details on upcoming cities). Or watch the numerous DVDs your creepy cousin or frat brother owns. Still, it would have been fun to see some local talent and say “omigod I KNOW her! She did that same thing at the Falconer last week!”

Written by riversideliving

February 16, 2008 at 5:25 pm