
Living, activities, and news in Riverside, California

Archive for September 26th, 2008

2008 Election Presidential Debate #1

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The debate will go on!  John McCain has agreed to debate Barack Obama tonight as originally planned.  Want to make it more fun?

Check out Twitter’s Election site to see real-time public opinion on the 2008 election – and throw your opinions in (as long as they are 140 characters or less) as well.  It’s addicting to watch all of the tweets scroll through.  People post their opinions, links to election related items and there’s even a drinking game centered around McCain and Obama related tweets.  Fun fun!

Play Presidential Debate Lingo.    It’s just like bingo but it’s related to candidate buzzwords such as global, Iraq, Alaska and crisis.

As long as we’re playing games – and drinking – why not play the Presidential Debate Drinking Game?  Get some Newcastle (my choice) and a few of your politically minded chums and give it a go.  There are a few to choose (here’s one more) from so pick wisely – or not.

So who won?  Discuss!

Written by riversideliving

September 26, 2008 at 4:12 pm

Posted in News, Politics

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Stuff To Do This Weekend: 9.26 – 9.28

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Friday, 9.26:

Tonight is the first of the Presidential Debates.  Can’t wait to watch!

Saturday, 9.27:

Ralph Nader will be speaking briefly at a “No War on Iran” peace vigil in Fairmount Park from 11 am to noon. Nader is the presidential candidate of the Peace and Freedom party.  I might go just for pop culture purposes. 

Awesome 80’s!  End of summer festival at the Ramona Bowl.  The bands are The Knack, A Flock of Seagulls, Tommy Tutone and Gene Loves Jezebel.  Put on your plaid shorts and pink Polo and check out a totally rad show.  Showtime is 7 pm, doors open at 5:30.

Sunday, 9.28:

Cadillac Cats at White Park.  Free rockabilly concert from 1:30 – 3:30

This is for J: Dallas Fans welcome at Dave and Busters in Ontario this Sunday.  

What else is going on?!

Next weekend: 

All those fun Halloween activities begin!  Castle DARK has a new creepy ride called the Screamin’ Demon. Boo!  Ghostwalk also beckons you!

Written by riversideliving

September 26, 2008 at 2:02 pm