
Living, activities, and news in Riverside, California

Archive for February 14th, 2008

Happy Valentine’s Day

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I got up VERY late today and expected to see sunshine, cupids and couples strolling down Olivewood, hand-in-hand and just FEEL the love in the air. Not happening.

The Deaf School was locked down for a couple of hours; the Pentagon is about to shoot down a spy satellite (it’s ours and its broken); another college shooting; worries about a Valentine’s e-card virus, containing the Storm Worm, which no one has seen yet; and it’s 43 degrees with a chance of up to 40 mph winds. Brrrr.

Romney is now endorsing McCain (with Huck still running and defending a paid speech in the Caymans) and did you know that my neighbors in the 92506 zip code have contributed 71,725.00 in campaign contributions, with the majority (30.7 %) to Giuliani?

Breakdown by candidate »
30.7% Giuliani
21.9% McCain
23.7% Romney
3.5% Clinton
3.2% Edwards
8.7% Obama
0% Others
Total contributions from the 92506 ZIP code:

Taken from the LA Times, check out your zip code too.

Okay, where’s all the sappy, cheery news? Has anyone done anything Valentinesy or something sweet? J went to Chipotle for me, and has practically waited hand and foot on me so I don’t have to walk anywhere. We’ll see what other acts of love Cupid sends to Riverside.

Written by riversideliving

February 14, 2008 at 3:55 pm

Breaking Bad is Really Good

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We just watched the Breaking Bad marathon on AMC and are hooked like a tweaker on glass!!  I love this show.  Not as much as Mad Men, but almost.  Yay for AMC.  Who do I thank for producing such good shows?

Written by riversideliving

February 14, 2008 at 12:41 am